Fastest growing countries
Fastest growing countries

10 Fastest Growing Companies In Africa Founded Last Decade

Less than half a century ago one wouldn’t imagine that Africa would someday have not only the best economies in the world but also the f

Woman looking over a field in the sunset (Photo credit: Darren Baker/Getty Images)

9 Mistakes Africans In The Diaspora Make When Investing In Africa

More than 30 million Africans live outside of their home countries. The financial capability of Africans in the diaspora is evident in the

Africa - Invest in African startups

Ultimate Guide: How To Invest In African Startups In 4 Easy Steps

A Startup is a young company that is poised to deliver a new product or service. They are innovative and disruptive in nature and thrive w

Lagos, Nigeria - Doing business in africa

10 Easiest Countries to Do Business in Africa [2022]

The opportunities for doing business in Africa are significant and diverse. According to the Global Africa Business Initiative, the Africa